
Active citizens have the tools to change SA - meet some fixers and builders at News24's summit

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Those attending News24's On The Record Summit in Cape Town on 25 May will get to hear from The Green Connection's Kholwani Simelane, Rivonia Circle's Lukhona Mnguni, Unite Behind's Zackie Achmat and Funda Wande's Nwabisa Makaluza.
Those attending News24's On The Record Summit in Cape Town on 25 May will get to hear from The Green Connection's Kholwani Simelane, Rivonia Circle's Lukhona Mnguni, Unite Behind's Zackie Achmat and Funda Wande's Nwabisa Makaluza.
  • Whether it's illiteracy, inequality or voter apathy, South Africans have the power to help create solutions to SA's many challenges. 
  • A diverse selection of activists and advocacy leaders will join News24, in partnership with Nedbank, at our On The Record summit. 
  • The summit aims to envision a new future for SA with the help of people who are building, shaping, and growing the country.
  • You can find more event details here and purchase yourtickets here.

South Africa has some testing years ahead, on multiple fronts, but the country can change for the better with the help of active citizens and meaningful social action. When guests gather for News24's On The Record summit on 25 May, they'll learn more about the power of activism and civil society organisations in building the democracy South Africans deserve.  

Social justice activist and Unite Behind director Zackie Achmat and Lukhona Mnguni, the policy and research head at Rivonia Circle, will be among the changemakers who will share their views during the full-day summit on what's needed to fix South Africa. The event, hosted at the Cape Town International Convention Centre in partnership with Nedbank, is aimed at bringing together SA's leading minds to discuss the future of the country. 

SPECIAL SITE | Everything you need to know about News24's On The Record Summit

The programme for the returning thought leadership will begin with a fireside chat with News24's editorial team, then it will split into six panel discussions, each focusing on a pressing issue affecting South Africans. Other speakers include Cape Town Mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis, Business Leadership SA CEO Busisiwe Mavuso, General Shadrack Sibiya, component head for organised crime in the SAPS, and Perpetua Investments CEO Delphine Govender.

READ | Coal conundrum: Hear from climate activists and industry players at News24's summit

News24 deputy political editor Bongekile Macupe will facilitate the discussion on South Africa's civil society sector, uncovering new information about the fixers, builders and changemakers who are determined to take the nation forward. 

"I am looking forward to having a chat with people who have dedicated their lives, outside of organised politics, to change the lives of South Africans. These are unsung heroes. These are people who keep our government on their toes and really, without the work they do, government would run amok, sometimes. I am looking forward to getting the stories of hope out of them, and what we can all do in our small corners to bring meaningful change in this beautiful land of ours," Macupe said.. 

Here's a look at who will be on the Changemaker panel:
  • Kholwani Simelane, advocacy officer at The Green Connection;
  • Lukhona Mnguni, head of policy and research at Rivonia Circle
  • Zackie Achmat, director of Unite Behind
  • Dr Nwabisa Makaluza, head of research and development at Funda Wande

Kholwani Simelane, is the advocacy officer at The Green Connection, one of the civil society groups that have been central in putting pressure on the SA government over its just transition plan. Through its numerous campaigns and legal challenges, the organisation raises awareness about key climate issues and has taken a stand against the environmental impact of pursuing oil and gas in the country. As a young South African, Simelane has added his voice to the calls for an inclusive, forward-looking energy plan that leaves no citizen behind. He's passionate about youth development, climate justice issues, and building an inclusive and socially equitable society. 

Lukhona Mnguni, is the head of policy and research at Rivonia Circle, which he describes as an unorthodox think tank aimed at building a different political future for SA. As a governance, politics and development specialist, his work involves sharing his research and insights around the need for a new political culture in the country. Mnguni argues that political parties continue to fail citizens by engaging society closer to elections and disengaging as soon as the votes are tallied. 

Longtime social justice advocate Zackie Achmat caught the attention of the world as vocal activist during the era of HIV/Aids denialism in SA. He is the co-founder of the Treatment Action Campaign and now serves as a director of Unite Behind, a civil society group focused on fighting corruption and mismanagement in the passenger rail service. Achmat, who's running as an independent candidate for the 2024 elections, believes a lasting civil society voice and movement is needed in the halls of Parliament. 

Dr Nwabisa Makaluza heads the research and development unit at Funda Wande, an organisation focused on boosting literacy and education in SA schools. To combat South Africa's shocking literacy levels, the civil society group is on a mission to ensure that every child in SA can count and read for meaning by the age of 10. Makaluza's main research interests focus on effective foundational literacy and numeracy education. She believes in creating teaching interventions that have the potential to inform social change at scale.

Be a part of News24's upcoming summit at the CTICC in Cape Town on Thursday, 25 May to hear more from our panellists and their perspectives.

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